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Dosbox Direct Serial Rx Delay

To be honest, someone (who's smarter than me) should do a topic/guide about this issue with DOSBox; giving suggested settings for some DOSBox games that are known to have problems with their default settings. I had the SFX delay with Duke Nukem 3D - which comes with a DOSBox - also.Slightly off topic, but still to do with DOSBox: I never understand what to do with 'Cycles'. For example: in Crusader: No Remorse's cfg file, it is set to 'Max' by default. The comments on the file say you can set a value. Thing is, I don't have a clue what number to choose.

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Apparently this value can affect the level of lag; - whether that means audio lag or input lag, or what - isn't crystal-clear, though.Though there are plenty people who fully understand DOSBox, there also seem to be a lot of people (like me) who don't fully understand the intricacies and complications of every setting.